How To Build Trust With Clients:

How To Build Trust With Clients:

Having a difficult time getting and maintaining client relationships? I know that I have struggled with this before. It always seems difficult to work with other people with differing backgrounds and experiences. Here we will uncover a little bit of the secret sauces to build trust within a company. These are my takeaways after reading the book The Speed of Trust by Steven Covey M.R. Covey.

Howdy Ho Friends!

It has been a crazy week full of ups and downs, but I am happy to be writing you again. I have been busy busy busy, but I feel the need to share lessons I’ve learned this week that you might find helpful.

This coming week is going to be even more packed as I am taking on a few classes, so I apologize if next week doesn’t go as smoothly (like last week was lol), but my goal is to continue to provide useful content that may just help you in your life.

Also, note that I am really grateful for your feedback and to hear about what you are learning as well. Please feel free to email me about what you have been learning or exploring this week. You can email me personally at

In this one, I will talk about several great lessons that I have learned from the book I’ve read this week. So here we go:

How To Build Trust With Clients:

The Questions Behind Trust.

I have recently learned in my studies that there are two factors that we look for when wanting to trust someone. We ask ourselves, “Do they have good character”, and “Are they competent.”


Character plays an important role in trust. People need to know if they like you, and if you are an honest person. A person with values and standards is much more likely to succeed than a scum bag that will mooch off anyone who will let them. We tend to gravitate towards people who have a good character, and root for their success because we feel like they are rooting for ours. Someone who knows how to uplift those around them holds a grand secret to success.

While wondering if I have good character, here are a few questions I ask myself:

– Do I do what I say I’ll do?
– Do people trust me to keep their secrets?
– When I talk about someone behind their back do I gossip or do I uplift them?
– Do I say one thing and think another?
– Do I stand for my values?
– Am I transparent in my intentions?

I think everyone needs to work on themselves internally before they see any external rewards. There is always room for improvement when it comes to working on oneself.


You may have great character, but not be competent. I know that my dentist has great character and for any dental need I have he is the person I go to. But I don’t trust him to do my taxes. This is because he doesn’t specialize in that field. There are people who are very friendly in their jobs, but just don’t produce any results.

The best way to show that you are competent is to focus on results. Instead of showing what we are doing, it is better to show the results of our actions. This builds trust and credibility rapidly. People love results.

There is no easy way to really start producing results, except doing the work. It takes practice, patience, and hard work to see the fruits of your labor. The more you produce the higher target clients will want you.

For more information please refer to The Speed of Trust, it has good information.

Yeti Recommendations:


Sticky Notes

It may be silly, but I have been obsessed with sticky notes this week. I have been tagging just about everything, and leaving myself and my wife notes and to-do lists throughout the house. They have come in very handy, especially when I need to jot something down quickly to come back to. You can find these things in just about any convenience store.

Here is a link to affordable and colorful notes

My Favorite Adventures this Week:


This week I have been studying raven noises and found out that they can make croaking sounds that they use to communicate with humans. They do this because they are mimicking the sounds of cars, construction, and the city. Ravens are super intelligent, and interesting birds to learn about. They can learn how to talk and even trade.


Last week we had a bad flood, which explains why I wasn’t able to send a blog out. Our home is fine, but we spent a lot of time helping our neighbors dry the apartment and remove mold and carpet. It got me thinking about how quickly our priorities can change as soon as a disaster strikes. My heart goes out to all those who struggle with natural disasters, health issues, or unexpected accidents or injuries.

Yeti Resources:

Adventure Stickers:

I placed many more AdventureYeti Stickers during my recent travels, check out where I’ve been. Can you guess where I am heading next?


If you are in need of marketing help, please book a free consultation at

Thank you:

Thank you for reading to the end. If you enjoyed this content, sign up for our Weekly Newsletter, The Yeti Flurry, to get our weekly posts sent directly to your email, additional marketing resources, and exclusive hints to find the AdventureYeti.

Adventure On!



How To Create A Killer Marketing Plan

How To Create A Killer Marketing Plan

Countless entrepreneurs are eager to dive headfirst into the realm of marketing, driven by the promise of growth and success. Yet, all too often, this enthusiasm becomes a double-edged sword, leading many business owners to initiate marketing efforts without a well-defined plan in place. Picture this: half-thought-out campaigns, scattered strategies, and resources wasted on endeavors that yield lukewarm results at best. It’s a scenario that plays out far too frequently. But what if I told you there’s a simpler, more effective solution that could transform the way you approach marketing? Sounds like you need a Marketing Plan, here is a proven and quick way to create one:

Keep it simple:

It’s all too common for enthusiasm to spill over into excess.

Many businesses, big and small, fall into the trap of over-baking their marketing plans, crafting exhaustive 20-page documents that seem more like labyrinthine novels than actionable strategies. However, there’s a refreshing truth: the size of your marketing plan doesn’t equate to its effectiveness. In fact, unless you’re a corporate giant with multi-million-dollar resources at your disposal, your entire marketing game plan can fit on a single page. Embracing simplicity doesn’t mean sacrificing impact; it means distilling your vision into its purest, most potent form – a concise roadmap to success that avoids drowning in unnecessary details and gets right to the heart of what truly matters.

The 1 Page Marketing Plan

A Simple Strategy To Achieve Big Results

Recently I just finished the book The 1 Page Marketing Plan, by Allan Dib. The essence of the book is that you can create a lean marketing plan on a single page of paper. This plan will help produce better marketing results and anyone can do it.

Here is the free printable template that is provided on Allan Dib’s website.

It covers 9 questions to consider when starting your marketing campaigns, they are split into three groups, before, during, and after. If you solve the answer to all of these questions then you have yourself a solid marketing plan.

If you are serious about writing your own marketing plan, I highly recommend reading through The 1 Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib. (I am not paid to advertise his book, I recommend it solely because It has helped my own business.)

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What is my message to my target market
  • What Media will I use to reach my target market?
  • What is my lead capture system?
  • What is my Lead nurturing system?
  • What is my sales conversion strategy?
  • How do I deliver a world-class experience?
  • How do I increase customer lifetime value?
  • How do I orchestrate and stimulate referrals?

If you are serious about writing your own marketing plan, I highly recommend reading through The 1 Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib. (I am not paid to advertise his book, I recommend it solely because It has helped my own business.)

Yeti Recommendations:


HermitKraft Series – GoodTimesWithScar

This week I have been binge-watching GoodTimesWithScar, he is a Minecraft YouTuber that makes insanely complex structures from scratch. I enjoy watching his videos because they are uplifting and help me see inside the creative process of an insanely talented content creator

Check out Scar’s videos here.

My Favorite Adventures this Week:


This week I have been putting extra effort into trying to not use social media when I am in a social setting. I have seen beautiful results as I have had more meaningful conversations with my close friends. I have also seen myself be more outgoing.


I have been thrown into several new leadership roles, and it is fun to see my own growth.

I was asked to conduct a large event a month ago, and I kept tripping over my words and the audience could tell how nervous I was.
Just this week I conducted the same event and I went in much more confident and structured. My same peers remarked how much more prepared I seemed. That was a big internal victory for me.

I started out so unsure of myself and full of imposter syndrome, but slowly I am working towards becoming more natural in the role. It goes to show that throwing yourself out there and trying is the biggest battle on our pathway to success.

Yeti Resources:

Adventure Stickers:

I placed many more AdventureYeti Stickers during my recent travels, check out where I’ve been. Can you guess where I am heading next?


If you are in need of marketing help, please book a free consultation at

Referral Program:

If you have a entrepreneurial friend in need of digital marketing, we have a referral bonus for you: 15% of profit as long as we retain the client.  Contact us via email for more information.

Thank you:

Thank you for reading to the end. If you enjoyed this content, sign up for our Weekly Newsletter, The Yeti Flurry, to get our weekly posts sent directly to your email, additional marketing resources, and exclusive hints to find the AdventureYeti.

Adventure On!




How Processes Make Millionaires

How Processes Make Millionaires

It doesn’t matter what stage you are in life, creating and maintaining processes can and will help you be more productive, make better decisions, and change your perspective. After reading The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden, my whole perspective has changed. Here is what I learned:

Maybe you, find yourself dreaming about success, and having so many ideas that you just don’t implement. You reason that someone else is already doing them and that you might stumble upon the best business idea ever one day. Here is what you should do.

How Processes Make Millionaires

Processes are pre-meditated decisions that cultivate success.

Millionaires and all successful people use processes and routines in almost every aspect of their lives. They are pre-meditated decisions that cultivate success. They are teachable, save time, and eliminate distractions. They are consistent actions you can complete to reach your bigger goal.

Example Goal: Run A Marathon

Imagine that you set a goal to run a marathon (26 miles), you have two options: set a routine/process or wing it. Which one is more likely to guarantee success?

Option 1 Processes & Routine:

You create a training schedule that is precise as you can make it. You will start months in advance by running a 1-mile run every morning, and each week you will up your distance. You also plan to alternate the intensity between days, so that you have light days for your muscles to recover, and intense days to push yourself.  You plan to wake up at 6:00 am every morning to give you enough time. You will run to a selected playlist, to a selected destination, wearing selected gear. You do not break your routine unless you are sick, or it is a Sunday, when you allow your body to recover. You forget your goal in the process, and running becomes a natural part of your day.

Option 2 Fly By The Seat Of You Pants: 

You get up groggy each morning, and decide that you would rather sleep in instead of running. You train now and then, but when you do run, you over-commit yourself and cramp up. It takes several days to recover. The marathon is approaching quickly and you can still barely make it 10 miles, you start over-exerting yourself to catch up.

Who is more likely to run and complete the marathon?

Processes cultivate success.

The More Arrows You Shoot, The More Likely You Are To Hit The Bullseye

Consistency is key, but how often do we actually try this?

Growing up, I have always heard the echoing saying “Consistency is key,” but how often do we actually try this? I like to look at how many people get so excited to try something new. (the best example is New Year’s resolutions). They start telling you their plan and are so excited to implement it, and they try it once or twice. But then they fail. They stop trying something because they are not instantly good enough, or they get discouraged. It is easier to stop than to keep moving forward.

This is a common occurrence when it comes to singing. As kids, we all sang in school assemblies, primary, and even in front of crowds. As we age we start to hear people say that they can’t sing. Most of them can physically sing, and probably better than they think too, but because they do not sing professionally they claim to not be a singer.

School and the media have taught such a negative connotation with failure, instead of seeing it as the stepping stone that it is, we decide that it is a final disappointing act. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before creating the light bulb, he claimed that he discovered 99,999 ways not to make a lightbulb.

The more shots you take the more likely you are to succeed.

Action is required:

There are no shortcuts, only hard work.

One of my favorite lessons in this book is that action is required. There are no shortcuts, only hard work. It may sound harsh, but it is relieving to hear. A train can not get where it needs to go if it is not moving, and so it is with us. We can not idly pass the time, gossip about what others are doing, and expect success to hit us like a strike of lighting. We have to become a little crazy and be the ones doing something. Getting started is usually the most challenging part.

You can find all these concepts better fleshed out in The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden (I am not a sponsor for any of the content that I share here, but I share because I genuinely found it helpful.)

Yeti Recommendations:


1 Page Marketing Plan – Allan Dib

This is my weekly read, and if you are a digital marketer, this is a must-read. It takes complicated marketing principles and puts them in consumable action items. It has especially helped my ad strategies and how I set up new clients.

Link To Allan’s Website


Auf Und Auf Voll Levenslust – Franzl Lang

Everyone needs a good yodel to pull out on a car trip. (Either you love it or you hate it.)

Listen on Spotify


Camelbak Water Bottle

I have joined the health craze, and I’ve started counting calories and drinking more water. I have started carrying my water bottle with me everywhere and I just love it. Here is an inexpensive bottle that I use. (Though mine is yellow and they don’t make that color anymore, unfortunately.)

Link To Product’s Website

My Favorite Adventures this Week:


I have been typing my journal out recently and have found that I am able to communicate much better using a keyboard. (I have big yeti handwriting that takes up the whole page).

The Ranch At Wild Rose:

I went on a scenic picnic with my friends at Wild Rose. They had a professional camp chef, Jeff Crosland, and a professional outdoor decorator, Make a Scene. The meal was nothing short of astounding, and I felt like I was transported to a whole new world with the decor. The Ranch at Wild Rose hosts Authentic Cowboy Experiences and is such a wonderful family. I was very grateful for the invitation.

Yeti Resources:

Adventure Stickers:

I placed many more AdventureYeti Stickers during my recent travels, check out where I’ve been. Can you guess where I am heading next?


If you are in need of marketing help, please book a free consultation at

Thank you:

Thank you for reading to the end. If you enjoyed this content, sign up for our Weekly Newsletter, The Yeti Flurry, to get our weekly posts sent directly to your email, additional marketing resources, and exclusive hints to find the AdventureYeti.

Adventure On!




How To Make A Life Image Script

How To Make A Life Image Script

What is a Life Image Script? This is a question I get whenever I talk about mine. Here I will teach you how to make your own Life Image Script, and share several AdventureYeti Insights.

How To Make A Life Image Script:

I bet you haven’t heard about a life image script.

I know that I hadn’t hear of one until my friend recommended it to me, but once I started, I was hooked. A self-image script is a tool to help you stay focused on that which is important to you.

The concept behind it is that you write a paragraph about the type of person that you want to become as if it were present tense.  In it, you answer questions like, “What are my core values?”, and “How should I act?”.

It is written with “I am statements” so an example from my personal life image script would be: “I choose to experience the wonders of this world and savor each precious moment of my life. I will retain my childlike wonder.”

Your Life Image Script has to come from your heart, so make sure you write it from a very clear state of mind.

I recently tried this out and it has changed how I view myself and the choices I make.

Every morning this week I have gotten up and listened to my Life Image Script. Hard decisions have become much easier, and I see myself as the person that I aspire to be. I allow my own words to echo through my mind, and they help me conquer the many obstacles in my life.

If you need help getting started, please reach out to me. I’d also love to hear bits of your life image script.

Yeti Recommendations:


Fine – Kyle Hume

I heard this from a dear friend of mine, and it is my new down-it-the-dumps song. It has helped me see that everyone is dealing with something and we don’t get to see the whole story unless we pry a little. Hearing it makes me feel emotional.

Listen on Spotify

We Happy Don’t Worry – American Authors

I love how it takes from Bob Marley and adds a modern pop flare to it. This is one of my new in-the-groove songs. I enjoy running to the rhythm of the song. Its sort of a polar opposite of Fine.

Listen on Spotify


The Motivation Myth – Jeff Haden

I just started this book, and I am hooked. It talks about how motivation is the reward after action and shares how the art of being productive and living a fulfilling life. I am hooked, and this might be the best book I’ve read all year.

Link To Jeff’s Website

My Favorite Adventures this Week:


In my travels I went and visited the San Diego Zoo. I was struck by awe watching the Geladas interact with eachother. I didn’t know this type of monkey existed, but it was so cool I had to note it down. Here is a link of refrence to the monkey.

Meal Prepping:

I have started the process of meal prepping. So far I have really enjoyed it, and it ultimately saves a lot of time, but we will see how long it lasts.

Adventure Stickers:

I placed many more AdventureYeti Stickers during my recent travels, check out where I’ve been. Can you guess where I am heading next?


If you are in need of marketing help, please book a free consultation at

Thank you:

Thank you for reading to the end. If you are in dire need of marketing aid, please feel free to contact me.

Adventure On!




Why You Need To Keep Your Goals A Secret:

Why You Need To Keep Your Goals A Secret:

Welcome to my weekly blog post/ newsletter, where I share actionable marketing tips, life advice, and resources to help you succeed. the purpose of this is to document my personal adventures, learning, and growth. Let’s dive in:

Why You Need To Keep Your Goals A Secret:

What I Have Learned Through My Studies:

Recently I have been studying the science behind affirmations, and I got sucked into a studying rabbit hole, I came to the question, “ If you tell someone your goal, is it more likely to happen?”

I read the articles below and this is what happened:

I learned that if you tell people your goal too prematurely then you are far less likely to achieve it, this is because you already receive the social value of expressing your goal. Your odds of succeeding are much better when you let internal motivation push you and not social prestige.  (Just think of how many failed New Year Resolutions there are for this very reason).


So next time I get a big breakthrough, and come up with a few more exciting goals, I will keep them private. I will write them down and make it visible for myself, but I won’t be flashing them around until I am sure that I will accomplish them.

It circles back to private victories and public victories. Some things are better enjoyed privately than publicly.


Concept of Private Victories:

There Are Two Types Of Victories.

Public Victories:

The Public Victories are the grand celebrations with trumpets, banners, and glory (Think Olympic gold medalists).

Private Victories:

The Private Victories are much more subtle and personal, I like to think of them as the Ah-ha moment. Like the moment when you realize that you can do a hard task, or when you finally achieve a goal you’ve been aiming for. It is not announced to the whole world but is still celebrated internally. This is the power of the private victory.

Public victories are admirable because they are grand and they really showcase the work of talented people, but they would not be obtainable if it weren’t for the private victories that lead there.


If you want to study more about this concept I learned about it from a discussion with Rich Christiansen, and I believe that he found it while reading through 7 Habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. (Both great authors and resources).

Rich Christiansen’s work

Stephen Covey’s Work

Yeti Recommendations:


Ali Abdaal

Ali shares inspirational productivity tips, that have really helped me get my business started. There are two things that he have stuck in my head.
If I was guaranteed success, what would I do?
You can find productivity through discipline or you can find it through joy.
(Ali is currently working on a book that is for preorder, I will let you know my thoughts once I complete it).

Ali’s Youtube Channel

Aaron Young

When it comes to the technicality of Google Ads, Aaron is an excellent resource to help work through the steep learning curves. I have used his resources to aid me while teaching myself more of the technical principles of Google Ads.

Aaron’s Youtube Channel


Maybe You Should Talk To Someone – Lori Gottlieb

I was skeptical at first about this book, but through reading it I learned that everyone has their issues and needs help. It reminded me of the purpose of living, and that death is a step to being mortal. A few tears were shed from this Yeti.

Link To Lori’s Website

My Favorite Adventures this Week:


In my effort to lose weight, I am tracking calories and running 5 Miles every day, I am already starting to see results, and I am feeling pretty good about it. I track my data on Fitbit, email me if you are interested in joining my Fitbit group.

Pokemon Sleep:

As a silly thing to do with my friends, I downloaded Pokémon Sleep. We decided to “Speed Run It”.

Adventure Stickers:

I have been placing stickers all around the world, and documenting where they will be. Can you guess where the next one will appear?


Cruising Around The World:

I am heading on a cruise this week, so I might not be able to post as much content, but I will come back refreshed and with new ideas.

Thank you:

Thank you for reading to the end. If you are in dire need of marketing aid, please feel free to contact me.

Adventure On!
